Welcome to N100
Agricultural products & High quality spices come from the mountains of northern Vietnam

Fresh Fruit Delivery Singapore. We sell fresh fruits. I mean, just look at our logo, it’s a sentient papaya with a monocle. We sell fruits. Obviously.
Oh and we’re the ones that supply to that market near you. So if you fancy getting fresh fruits straight from the source, shop with us today!
Why are we so yaya? Well, we’re in Pasir Panjang Wholesale Center, the fruits & veg hub of Singapore. 75% of all our nation’s fresh produce pass through our doors daily.
We literally live and breathe fruits, have been, for the past 30 years. So we don’t just yaya, we really do have papaya.
Btw, you get free delivery at only $45 so get your fruits online with us today! Go Bananas.
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N100’s more than 100 spices are carefully selected for their origin and are purchased from ethnic minorities who cultivate naturally and cleanly in high mountain areas, thus always ensuring quality when used. I use it.
The same goes for imported spices, N100 chooses 100% herbal spices, so that when cooking, customers absolutely do not have to worry about any health problems, but retain the true flavor. of the dish.
All products are tested by N100 and certified for ingredients and quality so you can feel completely secure when using them.
N100’s desire is to bring quality spices from nature, to improve the culinary life and health of our Vietnamese people.
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